CoreScan is an FDA-approved technology that measures wellness. Specifically, it measures VAT (visceral adipose tissue) and bone density using a bone mineral density scan. VAT is fat that surrounds abdominal organs. Excess VAT levels are linked to obesity and have been shown to increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and other diseases.
Premier Radiology was the first to offer CoreScan in the region, and it is now available at most of our locations. We offer this screening as part of our commitment to community health and wellness, a top priority for our imaging network.
Who should have a CoreScan?
If you’re looking to make a change in your overall health and wellness, CoreScan may be for you! Learn more about your body and your current wellness levels to start setting goals and working towards a healthier you.
How to prepare for a CoreScan
CoreScan is a quick, non-invasive study that takes no special preparation. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before your exam:
- Refrain from taking calcium supplements for at least 24 hours before your study
- Wear comfortable clothing and avoid garments that have zippers, belts or buttons made of metal
- Let your technologist know if you’ve recently had a barium examination or have been injected with a contrast material for a CT or radioisotope scan
- Let your technologist know if there is a possibility you are pregnant
What to expect during a CoreScan
The CoreScan is a noninvasive study that takes less than 10 minutes to perform. During the scan, you will be asked to lie back on a table as a low dose of radiation is passed over the body to create an image. To begin the exam, you will lie on a padded table with a detector (an imaging device) above. You will be asked to remain as still as possible during the procedure, as movement can blur the image, decreasing its quality.
For more information and to schedule your CoreScan appointment, please call 615.356.3999.